There is no way to take COVER, to hide. These political events are knocking at my very door – my neighborhood taunted by helicopters flying overhead, as students and faculty fight to demand justice. I think about how for some this is a DEBUT into the political arena, the beginnings of figuring out how to have a public life, how to lead, and how to build a better world. I think about the contrast between my safe community, even with the incursions of heavy handed police, no bombs will fall, no famine will threaten, no snipers will actually fire. I know that in the morning, I will make pancakes, set out MAPLE syrup, read my EMAIL, and look to see a bit of hope from my position of safety. I am eager to see the GLEAM of new leadership, a way forward in very dark times. I reflect on my safety and stability – how it is not a privilege, but what we all deserve. I pledge to keep fighting for that to become a reality.


We threw a PARTY the night before
my brother went to prison.
In the carrot cake a long file.
On top a decorative image of him
behind red Twizzler cell bars,
head pasted onto an orange jumpsuit
with a ball and CHAIN around his ankle.
Our family humor a bit ASKEW.
I was blinded by the sunset
GLEAM on the amber beer bottles
his long divorced parents
raised in a toast to their boyman.
