With a CLEAR purpose, I step outside. I will ignore the dark CLOUD – surely I have an hour or more? As I walk along, a steady CLINK can be heard, the rattle of gardening tools in my bag. Here I am: with a new set of gardening goals. I feel determined and ambitious – like an athlete, marking out which CLIFF to CLIMB next in an on-going series of physical challenges. I will excavate garden beds, dig holes, transplant and transform. I see deeply satisfying days of physical labor ahead. My goals are beauty as far as my eye can see, as if I am standing on a bluff, looking out over a gorgeous expanse of nature. I set down my bag, put on my gardening gloves, and begin.
Scampering up to SHARE
a QUICK look at the view.
Assessing our eclipse vista.
CLING to hope for clear skies,
with the tenacity of the roots
in the CLIFF we came to CLIMB.
Today cold rain and winds blow.
Monday it might be otherwise.