It was normal for her to take a little stroll when struggling with an idea. So this morning was not unusual. Thinking that a nice little AMBLE might clear a few cobwebs away, she laced up her boots and grabbed a sweater. As she strolled along, her mind began to wander. How was she going to resolve the question of the SLAIN vicar being discovered at the local cantina? This new plot was not yielding up its secrets very easily. She sighed. Was there such a thing as a poisonous LARVA? Could swallowing a worm in mezcal kill someone? Ugh. She was probably going to have to do a TOTAL rewrite. Her agent would not be pleased.
My own voice soothing
me, murmuring “Oh HONEY”.
Moving, then, into meditation.
Or attempting, as is the practice.
At first sitting stiff, like a BOARD.
Find my FOCAL point, beginning.
Until that bright red cardinal lands
on a branch in the periphery.
Is he not worthy of my attention
pulling me out of thought
and into presence. Still alert,
I soften. Breathe fully.
Belly rises, shoulders lower
TOTAL absorption in the moment.