A STORY held so closely
Rings a CHIME across time
Told again and again
Echos, ghosts define the present
(must be karma, fate)
Assigns the roles
(ah, yes, so familiar)
Yet weighs heavily on one
Am I at the bottom –
Or is it the top?
Either way, this burden needs to
Shove off, be destroyed —
Crack open the compulsion
Reframe the dilemma —


She FOUND herself surrounded
by figments of something.
Calls. Frightened.
“I Can’t find the TRAIL.”
Attempting to piece fragments into a path.
Moving toward and also away.
Is the SHAPE solid matter,
memory, vision, or imagination.
Her dog finds her hiding in the closet.
Door ajar. Nudges it open.
Crouched woman tentatively unfurls.
Low to the floor, both HEAVE,
chests rising and falling
He is the trail back.
