The SCENE, just like all the others in the play, was ABOUT an emotionally BUMPY ride that seemed to BUILD to a pointless end. Such was the challenge facing the cast.


Dropping a HEAVY weight
onto one’s toes is apparently
a weight room right of passage.
That is what the kind spirited
trainer says
when I loose my grip
loading a 45 pound disc
onto my side of the iron bar.

After years of incident free lifting,
I’m now in the club with only a bit of STING.
My toes, and truthfully my pride.
It popped the way a balloon responds
to a pin PRICK. Only silently, inside.
Externally laughing, we continue
to BUILD muscle strength & endurance.

He doesn’t know how vulnerable
my body seems lately. My fear
in its ever increasing restrictions
and loss of grace.
