Looking at the pile of clothes, books, toiletries, and more, I COULD LAUGH out loud. It is a ridiculous idea to think that all of this will fit in one suitcase. But it must be done. I begin. Folding, rolling, finding nooks and crannies, UNTIL, at last, every bit of the suitcase is full. How satisfying – and it had almost a PULSE beat, a nice rhythm, as I attempted to BULLY pajamas and underwear, sweaters and socks into submission. The chaos of these assorted BULKY piles has been tidily tamed.


Greta was done BEING embarrassed by her side hustle. Leaning in, she actually really enjoyed wearing the sandwich BOARD, the BUSHY beard, skull cap, and Carhartt biberalls. It was a BULKY get up, heavy to carry, but she was warm, and believed in the product they were paying her to promote.


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