
I hustle down the steps
Search above and BELOW
Shove aside all the mail “ELECT me” “Buy this”
A glance at my watch
Causes me to LIVEN my step
An AGILE sweep through the room
At last! With a SMILE
I claim them:
My keys!


Bringing the WHOLE family together
was like navigating Escher’s Relativity.
At first glance a simple series of steps
coming from different directions.
Quickly it becomes clear
no ANGLE will align with another.
Everyone on their own plane,
starting from their own reality.
We CYCLE through plan after plan
puzzling, certain there is a solution
so at least a few arrive in the same place
at the same time, if only for brief connection.
Finally we see, impossibility is the way it’s drawn
in black and white, a fantastical conception.
I sigh, then SMILE, Absurdity is the art we live.
