
With a LAUGH
We AMEND the rift
Let us value PEACE
Betwixt and between us
Refuse to EXACT a penance, 
A punishment, a penalty:
The bumps and tension
Of relationship act as Lemon and salt in the cake, 
Pulling together the experience and the ability to savor the sweetness 


Hip, hip, hurray it’s Friday 
a cool day with nothing on the schedule
To the woods! 
A simple picnic of BREAD and cheese 
PAUSE to slice a MEATY tomato 
No EXACT time to depart, nor to return
muscles coiled like cobras now unfurl
slither into the bountiful brush


Sitting in the dining room, sipping coffee
looking through photo albums
Noting the loud birdsong this morning
In the corner of my eye a buck strolls past the window
Moving along the alley where typically neighbors 
walk their dogs or toddlers
Moments later comes another, 
and then a third, a 3 generation parade. 
Today’s newspaper headline, 
an ordinance has passed: Do not feed the deer