Feeling the energy DRAIN. Too tired to GLOVE up and keep punching once again. Sick of the need to EXTOL and glorify the working life. Yet, leisure can make me feel like a LOUSE, a slacker. In the face of disaster and great need, how dare I stop and rest? The truth is l cannot function without lightness and gentleness. Like the sound of a CELLO, or a silly game in the sun with friends, or a sweet HELLO from a wandering cat: these things that create balance and paradoxically, ground me in what is worth fighting for.
Last night there was no DREAM,
for there was no sleep
Awake, listening to the sounds of QUITE,
the many layers of noises a house makes,
it’s rattles and hums, a bit of snore
coming through the wall
the cat’s soft breathing at my feet
I move, she stirs. No longer alone
she demands affection, pawing at my hand,
Begins to purr loudly, and settles
herself across my other arm
The WHOLE night passes, no angst
for lost winks, HELLO alarm
good morning new day