
Getting on the PLANE, I HOIST my bag up into the bin. Relieved that there is no one else sitting in my row, I settle down into my seat. Leaning against the window, I prepare to BROOD about my work. I have been hired to clean up some workplace chaos, and it’s a pretty messy set of problems. I wonder what BROOM, as it were, would work best to move the messes out? My new boss had made it clear that he has high expectations and will BROOK nothing less than success. The pressure is definitely on. So deep am I in my thoughts, that it takes me moment to register that someone has joined me in aisle 15. My heart sinks as I recognize the logo of my new company on the sheaf of papers he is struggling to handle while hefting his briefcase up. Hmm. Perhaps this is an opportunity. We shall see.


The crabapple has established her SHAPE,
a crown that is decidedly ROUND
where I’d wanted a tree with quirky grace
her asymmetrical branches reaching out for me
sky showing in the spaces in between.
Not this dark green ball that hides the birds
and bears little of the promised fruit
I long to see more than the rustling of life
hidden among barren abundance
this matronly tree in her ample FROCK
crinoline leaves unwavering
holds herself steady there by the BROOK
It’s not what I wanted, yet would I deny
safe shelter for the very birds I wish to see
