
It is possible to PLACE a CROWN of daisies on a little child’s head so carefully, so as to not CRUSH a single flower. But, as you may imagine, that is a special skill, right up there with icing birthday cakes so that not a single CRUMB shows through on the edges.


This house is rarely QUIET
everyone talking, clanging
spontaneous jam sessions
channeling Little Richard, Jimi Hendrix.
Dense cats leap and gallop
all night crashing about,
water swooshes through pipes,
odd creaks in walls, across floors,
an old man snoring,
young people laughing.
In this bright room a GOURD
hangs from an invisible string,
a portrait of two SAUCY teens
painted from a best friends selfie
is propped against the desk.
Waking early I find a single CRUMB
on the counter by the coffeemaker
reminder of the celebration.
It’s as still as it gets in this pulsing place.
Sound coursing is life force,
music of the heart.
