
Feeling out of PLACE, midst conversations of DETOX, juice fasts, and whatnot, I try not to SNEER at the ridiculousness of this party. I move about the crowd, fascinated by displays of ENNUI, some of which seemed to be competitive, an odd notion to be sure!


High above the freeway bustle an iridescent dragonfly
hovers above the murky WATER
POISE in motion, glint of sapphire blue
Wandering around the unexpected pond
contemplating BEING
and nothingness
a little boy has tied a string around a stick, fishing
a discarded DENIM jacket
in the dirt beside him
I wear ENNUI as if it were a pashmina, elegantly draped
soft weight on my shoulders
It’s peaceful here, misplaced
Yesterday this same serenity held a different meaning
