
The children SWARM and scamper like goats, up and down, still in PLAIN sight of the back door. They are loathe to BATHE, preferring to stay out and play. “It’s like a GAUDY night, Miss! We want to stay out late,” they beg. Miss calls back to them, mocking and light in her manner, “it’s getting late, you need to be CANNY, and get your FANNY back here!” Giggling, they caper and skip back down the hill. Their voices raised, singing silly songs, “Oh, dear Miss, give us a kiss, we are in bliss, please don’t dismiss or take a piss.” “Oh you cheeky lot,” says NANNY, bustling about, “we barely have time now for bath, cookies, and a bit of a story before bed!” The door closes and the continued chatter and laughter drift along through the night air.


The sun is setting out the PLANE window
a glowing band of color
as if the horizon were on fire.
The fair haired boy seated in front of me exclaims,
“it’s a real life volcano!
Look, it’s a real life volcano!”
Even as we hit turbulence, he he maintains excitement
stating “the engines are failing” without a hint of fear.
It is only as we are descending through the clouds
that his demeanor has the TAINT of apprehension.
There is something reassuring in the sky-view expanse.
Now engine lights periodically flash like lightening in the shrouding grey mist as we bump our way down.
Randomly I think of magma
was what I meant to pick in my word game, not MAGNA.
The former would flow
whereas the latter will not.
The boy and his NANNY gather their things,
meeting the mother at this junction, then continuing onto Australia.
Moving from Terre Haute to Melbourne,
my in flight entertainment
was the commencement of a life changing adventure.
