
A PLUMP peach to SHARE
No effort need we EXERT
Under COVER of the BOWER
Lips press, yellow flesh yields
I’m a GONER for sure –
Cupid, that JOKER, has made me love’s fool


The FIELD is transformed
One day barren brown, the next an impressionist painting
the spectrum of bright greens infused with patches of purple
Each SHARE perfectly proportioned,
POWER to awe in the balance of complimentary hues that COVER acre upon acre
No camera can capture,
No TONER can print
the shades of spring
This palette the backdrop for the dance of bee and BORER
as the doe and her fawns stand still in the waning sunlight

This morning’s reflection stirred modes where no JOKER belongs,
A time of quiet before his arrival at the breakfast table
when the day takes on a new cadence.
