Eyebrow raised, I POINT to the WAFER-thin spot in the back of the station wagon. With a LAUGH, you shrug, and pick up my golf clubs. “There is simply no way those are going to fit!” Taking things out and starting to repack the car, you begin, “Did I ever tell you about that time I turned down a chance to CADDY for Tiger?” “Tiger Woods???! Why have you never told me this before???” You are starting to shove the clubs in.”Well, no, ÄshoveÑ it was, um, Tiger ÄshoveÑ Mahoney, he was three-time winner of the city tournament. ÄShoveÑ When I was just starting out, he was the guy to beat.” I roll my eyes. “Tiger Mahoney. You have got to be joking.” I shake my head. Arms linked, we step back together and survey the loaded down car. “Lucky we aren’t also bringing a KAYAK.” “Oh my.” He tosses me the keys. “You take the first shift. Packing your clubs wore me out.” “Sounds good – let’s go!”
From last fall I retain an IMAGE
of a bushy tailed squirrel
scurrying across the hillside,
ACORN in mouth,
as it makes a HASTY getaway
I float close to the shore
my KAYAK moving with the wind
Wondering why on land everything
seems to move with urgency while the frenzy for survival
lets go on this lake
This is what I want to remember
How to float with the wind
Not run against time