The springtime SOUND of birds chittering and rustling in the leaves— a smile flowing its way from my MOUTH to my eyes– to the top of my head creating a slow cascade of delight and wonder that spills down my back and reaches the soles of my feet– my hands, eager to join the sensuous feast, reach out to TOUCH the damp, chilly ground– I bend in response to the desire, seeking the places where slender green is breaking through the TOUGH brown mat of autumn leaves and winter heaviness– my soul cracks open to rejoice in hope and renewal– I sweep my arms up to the sky soaring with the birds
On a wide stretch of beach
covered with every variety of rock
we both FOUND the same one
among them all.
We were not together when we
walked the shore in meditation,
listening to the wave music as they rolled the rocks forward and pulled them back
Like hands making ropes of dough.
You took a picture
I carried her home
We both profiled her
The single element we chose to capture an experience as varied as the rocks themselves.
This single ROUGH heart, sand colored,
nestled among the variety of smoother shapes
in cool tones of grey, ivory, and rose colored speckles
Our one heart, etched
life lines criss cross
When days are TOUGH
I hold your heart in my palm feel the steadiness of connection
Friend, your heart is my heart