
The heavy, delicious PEACE of a DREAM- my body is weighted down, my body sinks into the bed. Slow breath. My world is very far away… where I have to constantly perform, perfecting and upholding my role as a policy MAVEN, leader of many, MATEY to few. Please don’t let the alarm go off yet… Surely the Prime Minister can wait a little longer?


Sitting in my CHAIR watching STEAM shadows dance on the wall behind the kettle, noting dents in the METAL, while I wait for the whistle. Outside MATED cardinals perch on the swaying branches of the unwieldy viburnum. One flies toward the feeder, displacing a black capped chickadee in mid peck. One can almost hear him utter, “hey, what gives MATEY?” as he lands on a low branch close by to wait for the next opening.
